Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Long ,long ago when we first got the house in Spain any large items of rubbish left by the bins was collected by the refuse people. A few years ago I was told we were not to 'dump' rubbish by the rubbish bins but had to phone the rubbish collectors who would come and collect the rubbish which I did with a mattress we had to dispose of. Recently we replaced the old sofas we had in the house. These had been given to us free some 12 years ago and had done stirling service but were now reaching their end date . I phoned the refuse collection people who would not talk to me in English . A feature I have noticed since Brexit . I went to the adminstration de fincas . It was closed as it was on the next 2 occassions . Finally when I did find it open they told me they were not the administrators for my area . Turns out they had been but had been replaced . Kindly the man there phoned the refuse people for me. "you must leave the sofas by the bin he said . I explained I couldnt I couldnt as it is 500 yards uphill to the bin and oftenthere was no space becuase people parked next to them leaving no space . After a long converaation he said you can leave it outside your house wednesday night . This I did and there it stayed. People kept wandering by staring at them then at the house .
in the street where they got much attention
I then went to the new administration de fincas who happen to be 3 miles away , a journey made more difficult by a neighbour telling us they were by the Grand Alicant centre . When we did find them they were at the other end of the street but this street happens to be 2 miles long. Having wandered for ages we asked a local who turned out to be a Brit and who took the time and trouble to drive us there. Once again we explained the situation , and that on the only occasion they answered the phone they couldn't talk to me because I had no spanish. The lady in the admin phoned them and after another long conversation told me to leave them outside the house she explained the women she spoke to said she told the refuse men but they didnt do it , she doubted they would do it this time either , she was right . So I broke the old sofas up and put them in the rubbish piecemeal

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