More and more every company I deal with wants me to have an account , a login , and a password . I have so many I cant keep up . sometimes I don't even remember I have an account and get a notice saying you already have an account. Theres no way I will remember my email account password or login details.
Microsoft are the very worse they block you for the slightest pause . I once tried to change my phone number . I couldn't remember my password so went through the reset procedure only to find they sent the next bit of the process to my old phone whose number I was trying to update in the site I had forgotten the password for .
Also these websites are very poorly designed , they are made by people wanting to prove how clever they are and not by people trying to make a usable platform. I think also the sales pressure is there so that you may go to book a flight , give a meter reading or take out insurance and you are endlessly fighting off pop ups and mandatory areas (which are often just data gathering and not relevant) Many time the system insists my password is wrong , even when I have been logged in , have logged out and am now trying to log back in.
I used to work in IT, as a user not a techy and I know the first thing techies say is user error , its not its system error , programme error , interface error . The sadness is that the people who build these sites are really clever and if they built them for Joe average or even Joe below average we would all benefit . I worry about the future because more and more you can only do things via your computer , and if you get stuck and want help , there is none its automated , and as you get older it is harder to remember or to be honest to care so much , often unless I really have to do it I give up if its too convoluted and the company loses a sale and I feel less stress, even the railways seem to be people less and I am doing all the work to get a plane ticket and boarding pass , I will be loading my luggage shortly.
It is incredibly hard to find a phone number for a company , contact us which is often at the bottom of the page under a huge list of who built the website and reasons you cant sue them , then takes you to a FAQs page and even when you plough through this and fill in the mail bit it defaults back saying are you sure you haven't missed the answer in our FAQ pages. I battle through this and phone the company , even this is unnecessarily complex , first is 5 minutes of warnings about what will happen when you phone them , being recorded is the least of it , then you get to the top menu .. If you are phoning for this press this , if you are phoning ..etc..etc.and there are often 2 or 3 layers of these menus Finally when you get through that you have to give them more info so they can ensure you get to the right operator ? WHY, after 3 levels of menu do you have to give more information ? I know they say its so when you get to an operator its quicker but everytime I do it the operator asks me the same questions disguised as security and even though you have spent 15 minutes filling it in to get to the right person.
Also they ask what was the last debit on your account? whats you credit limit ? and about isnt a satisfactory answer it has to be exact becuase its not a person verifying the answer its the system
Now at the end of my conversations they say I see you are over 60 ? Yes ? well would you like to put you on as a priority customer so if there is an outage , a failure , the world stops turning we will see to you first . Yes I say . I don't want to miss the few benefits of old age . Also can I ask do you have any special needs ? I am not sure of the correct answer and a fascise one would probably get me in trouble with the PC brigade so I say no . The electricity company asked if I had any medical equipment that would be affected by an outage , are well somebody cares.
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