Sunday, 15 January 2017

Backpackers !! The establishment and the people. Vary ! Their are some dire Backpacker places  they look like their has been a fight at a jumble sale. They smell and their isn't a clean surface to be seen. Conversley at at the other extreme are the ones that have cameras to check if you have washed up the utensils and crockery you used . In general the Australian ones are not as pleasant as the new Zealand ones but my experience has been limited .
So what of the Backpackers themselves , well they vary . You also have to look at what makes a backpacker , it may be a lifestyle or it may be a moment in their life. Their are the decent considerate people and their are their opposites and that's about what type of person you are , overlaying or perhaps overlapping that is the mentality that accompanies a backpacker, often they are people who are living a communal life in a public environment with no privacy , whose ablutions are fragmentary, and who are saving every penny and looking for every freebie. There is a code in general property is sacrosanct and this includes food but there are thieves around they may think they are backpackers but they are tramps and vagrants who will steal and abuse facilities. I heard of one case where somebody came into a backpackers , put all the food from the fridges and any drink into carrier bags and left. Often there are those that are freedom camping (camping for free on public land with no facilities ) who sneak in for a shower and to wash their clothes or use the toilet. Some will come and ask. There is a website where backpackers pass on info on how and where to steal facilities giving times and access points. I say steal because a shower is not free , the facilities have a cost which somebody has to pay for and if you are paying to use the place and you cant get in the shower or use the kitchen because somebody has snuck in to use it then that's stealing, also because of the attitude of the people that do this they leave everything dirty for others to clear.  If you look along the street and see a backpackers car (they are normally estates or people carriers with curtains and beds in them ) and somebody sat in them you know they are waiting for a chance to sneak in and use the facilities or to steal a bed for the night.
The nature of Backpackers changes depending on who is staying at anyone time when its the considerate then everything id clean and dry and available for someone to use when its the other type then they use the kitchen and leave it filthy , they leave all the pots pans and crockery dirty , they leave bathrooms soaked and plugholes blocked and toilets filthy and they move on.
So if you stay at a backpackers please be considerate of others , if you cook clean up before you sit down to eat , flush the toilet , use the bins provided for sanitary towels, don't leave the plughole blocked , don't step out of the shower soaking wet soak everything and walk off and if your shoes stink put them outside NOT in the hallway.

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