Again had a video of this but cant get it to work on blogger,
This is the Penang Hill Railway a funicular railway . It ascends Penang Hill from Air Itam near George Town. It was opened in 1923 but the modern one dates from 2010. Its quick , 5 minutes from top to bottom, Apparently there are intermediate stations which are request stops. I videoed the entire trip but as videos dont work for me I can only show you the stills.
The road ends here , it sort of spreads out into a horseshoe shape . My first impression was of crowds and somehow being at St Pancras. A busy place. Staff at tourist attractions wear military uniform so I always found myself a little confused at being directed places by what appeared to be soldiers. I am not sure they are military some wore distinctly ill fitting uniform and did not seem 'smart' it may be military style uniform is the dress for this kind of work.
I payed for the express ticket . Its about 4 times the price of the standard ticket but as it worked out to be £20 I didnt think that was bad given the price of some other tourist attractions I have paid to see . If you like to stand for an hour in extreme heat with a million other people and be pushed and shoved all the time buy a standard ticket.
I can tell you the attitude of the staff changed imediatley I said "Express". I bought the ticket and headed for the door marked express. The guard spread his arms to block my way and aid no no this way . I showed him my ticket and the change was instantaneous , he almost bowed , he escorted us to the door , held it open and ushered us through. There were guards at the other end of the passage and it was the same again we and the other tickey holders were ushered on first. Coming back we were the only ones in the express route, we were taken to a waiting room, assured we would be collected when the carriege arrived , which we were and as the only people at that time got to sit in the seats of our choice which naturally were at the front. Thats how I can tell you this thing is fast , its single track and a few people gasped when a carriege coming the other way appeared to be on collision course. The rail divides at a predefined point and the timing is such that the carriages suddenly veer away to pass

There were at least 3 Police Stations on Penang Hill. This appeared abandoned although there was a modern building behind it .
Old railway carriage . This is what I had expected and to be honest hoped for. The modern ones are fully enclosed and air conditioned , though don't get you hopes up the carriage was crowded and the air con overwhelmed.
Pretty steep
Modern coach
If you are wondering why there are no pictures of Penang hill its because I didnt find a lot there to interest me , the view is it really . This is one of those place like Simla where the Brits went to get away from the heat and it is noticeably cooler ,