slightly out of order and the pictures I wanted are on a missing memory stick , no matter go with what we have. On the return leg I stayed with my brother and sister in law. My sister in laws mother and her partner have a sheep farm. Complaining I was bored my sister in law arranged for us to go and spend time on the sheep farm helping out. The first time we rode quade bikes around the farm . A small bit of the farm this is after all Australia . The second time I actually did some work. I sprayed weeds . Not exciting ? Well I had a 500cc quad bike and a canister of poision , I had a sheep farm of endless horizons and nothing but me . I magine a western , the lone gunman riding to the crest of the hill, eyes half closed against the searing light , raises his hat to shield his eyes as he peruses the horizon for hostiles. Substitute a quad bike for a horse , a spray lance for a gun and weeds (big weeds) (really big weeds) for hostiles and you have it .
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